Friday, March 14, 2008

Timed Event Championships

Hi Everybody!
The Timed Event Championship will take place this weekend (March 7-9) in Guthrie, Oklahoma at the Lazy E Arena. It is a very interesting rodeo event that I've been singing at for MORE years than I care to recall! We will tape the Church service on Sunday @ 10 am for "Cowboy Church" with breakfast right before at 8:30am right there at the arena.
Sleet/Snow this morning here in southeastern Oklahoma. Historically, March is our biggest "precip" month, and it's holding true this year. BUT spring is well on its way and we are sure gonna enjoy it.
Wanted to keep this short: Plans underway to record a new album, will be in Corpus Christi next weekend (March 15-16), AND I am just about 100% over this cold I've had for 2 weeks. THANK GOD!
Check out the article in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper about me.

God bless you all and thanks for your prayers and support!
In Christ,
Susie McEntire Luchsinger